Tag Archives: voice

Want A Powerful Singing Voice?

In order to get a big and powerful singing voice, the singer needs to incorporate many singing techniques together. Now to open up further for bigger singing sound, the singer has to open the area near the base of the tongue. This can be down by imagining the beginning of a yawn. This imaging opens up the singing pathway, keeps the tongue in the correct position and lifts the soft palate making your mouth shaped like a megaphone. A megaphone produces a bigger sound doesn’t it? With […]

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How to Warm Up and Cool Down When Singing

Warming up and cooling down before and after singing is crucial in preserving a healthy singing voice. If you don’t warm up and cool down your voice, you risk damaging your vocal cords and sometimes permanently so. All athletes know that an effective warm up is essential for optimal athletic performance. But you say, singers are not athletes, so why should singers warm up their singing voices? Singers who are dinner guests are often asked to perform impromptu entertainment by their host after the dinner to entertain […]

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How to Preserve Good Singing Voice

Good professional singers not only have to be fit and healthy to look good for stage performances, they must also know how to maintain and preserve a good singing voice. You have only one voice and when your voice is damaged permanently, it will probably spell the end of a singer’s. Many singers who have not been through professional singing coaching by good singing coaches or attend any singing schools may not even know that they may be damaging their voice. Many singers also forget that when […]

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