Tag Archives: singers

How to Maintain Your Singing Voice

Whether you sing professionally or just for fun, if singing is an important part of your life then you need to take care of your singing voice. If you want to learn how to properly take care of your vocal cords you would do yourself a favor by getting professional singing lessons. It’s important to take care of your vocal cords. If you are ever in a situation where your vocal cords are strained and you apply force to try and sing better, you could permanently damage […]

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How to Get Vibrato When Singing

“How can I develop a vibrato singing voice?” This is a question often asked by aspiring singers. But firstly, what is actually singing in vibrato? A vibrato is a slight variation of pitch tone caused by the free oscillation of the vocal foldss from an open pharynx (open throat) along with the healthy closure of the vocal cords with the use of good singing muscle support system. However, there are many singers singing with wrong vibratos resulting in awful pitching and tones. This are usually the results […]

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Good Singing Tone Quality

A common pursuit amongst singers is the the quest for good head and chest voice/tone resonance. Although we have discussed to some extent about head/chest resonance in previous articles, there will still be a lot of confusion on this subject such as balancing tonal brilliance and depth of the resonance. Blending these two voice qualities or vocal colors is a major source of confusion and frustration for many aspiring singers. However, once you understand how the voice work, blending the vocal colors should become easy and automatic […]

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How to Preserve Good Singing Voice

Good professional singers not only have to be fit and healthy to look good for stage performances, they must also know how to maintain and preserve a good singing voice. You have only one voice and when your voice is damaged permanently, it will probably spell the end of a singer’s. Many singers who have not been through professional singing coaching by good singing coaches or attend any singing schools may not even know that they may be damaging their voice. Many singers also forget that when […]

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